Professor Pedro Autreto


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Laboratório - GEEDAI

Publicações de Pedro Autreto


Ipaves, Bruno; Justo, João F.; de Almeida, James M.; Assali, Lucy V. C.; Autreto, Pedro A. S.

Enhancing catalyst activity of two-dimensional C4N2 through doping for the hydrogen evolution reaction Working paper


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Goswami, Saswata; Oliveira, Caique Campos; Ipaves, Bruno; Mahapatra, Preeti Lata; Pal, Varinder; Sarkar, Suman; Autreto, Pedro A. S.; Ray, Samit K.; Tiwary, Chandra Sekhar

Exceptionally High Nonlinear Optical Response in Two-dimensional Type II Dirac Semimetal Nickel di-Telluride (NiTe2) Working paper


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Rajeev, Karthik; Ipaves, Bruno; de Oliveira, Caique Campos; Raman, Sreeram Punathil; Kar, Swastik; Galvao, Douglas S; Autreto, Pedro A. S.; Tiwary, Chandra Sekhar

Enhanced Non‐Invasive Radio Frequency Heating Using 2D Pyrite (Pyritene) Journal Article

Em: Small Methods, 2025, ISSN: 2366-9608.

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Quispe, Juan Gomez; Ipaves, Bruno; Galvao, Douglas Soares; Autreto, Pedro A. S.

TPDH-Graphene as a New Anodic Material for Lithium Ion Battery: DFT-Based Investigations Journal Article

Em: ACS Omega, 2024, ISSN: 2470-1343.

Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags:

Slathia, Surbhi; Ipaves, Bruno; de Oliveira, Caique Campos; Negedu, Solomon Demiss; Sarkar, Suman; Autreto, Pedro A. S.; Tiwary, Chandra Sekhar

Ultralow Detection of Mancozeb Using Two-Dimensional Cobalt Telluride (CoTe2) Journal Article

Em: Langmuir, vol. 0, não 0, pp. null, 2024, (PMID: 39007738).

Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags:

Chakraborty, Anyesha; Ipaves, Bruno; de Oliveira, Caique Campos; Negedu, Solomon Demiss; Sarkar, Suman; Lahiri, Basudev; Autreto, Pedro A. S.; Tiwary, Chandra Sekhar

Subpicomolar Dopamine Detection Using Two-Dimensional Cobalt Telluride Journal Article

Em: ACS Applied Engineering Materials, vol. 0, não 0, pp. null, 2024.

Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags:

Quispe, Juan Gomez; Nascimento, Bruno Bueno Ipaves; Galvao, Douglas Soares; Autreto, Pedro A. S.

TPDH-Graphene as a New Anodic Material for Lithium Ion Battery: DFT-Based Investigations Working paper


Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags:

Quispe, Juan Gomez; Galvao, Douglas Soares; Autreto, Pedro A. S.

Exploring the Electronic and Mechanical Properties of TPDH-Nanotube: Insights from Ab initio and Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulations Working paper


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Sengupta, Shilpi; Pramanik, Atin; de Oliveira, Caique Campos; Chattopadhyay, Shreyasi; Pieshkov, Tymofii; Autreto, Pedro A. S.; Ajayan, Pulickel M.; Kundu, Manab

Deciphering Sodium‐Ion Storage: 2D‐Sulfide versus Oxide Through Experimental and Computational Analyses Journal Article

Em: Small, 2024, ISSN: 1613-6829.

Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags:

Khatun, Salma; Alanwoko, Onyedikachi; Pathirage, Vimukthi; de Oliveira, Caique C.; Tromer, Raphael M.; Autreto, Pedro A. S.; Galvao, Douglas S.; Batzill, Matthias

Solid State Reaction Epitaxy, A New Approach for Synthesizing Van der Waals heterolayers: The Case of Mn and Cr on Bi2Se3 Journal Article

Em: Adv Funct Materials, 2024, ISSN: 1616-3028.

Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Biomaterials, Condensed Matter Physics, Electrochemistry, Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials

Lucchetti, Lanna E. B.; Autreto, Pedro A. S.; Santos, Mauro C.; de Almeida, James M.

Cerium doped graphene-based materials towards oxygen reduction reaction catalysis Journal Article

Em: Materials Today Communications, vol. 38, pp. 108461, 2024, ISSN: 2352-4928.

Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Cerium, Density functional theory, Graphene, Oxygen reduction reaction

Trench, Aline B.; Fernandes, Caio Machado; Moura, João Paulo C.; Lucchetti, Lanna E. B.; Lima, Thays S.; Antonin, Vanessa S.; de Almeida, James M.; Autreto, Pedro A. S.; Robles, Irma; Motheo, Artur J.; Lanza, Marcos R. V.; Santos, Mauro C.

Hydrogen peroxide electrogeneration from O2 electroreduction: A review focusing on carbon electrocatalysts and environmental applications Journal Article

Em: Chemosphere, pp. 141456, 2024, ISSN: 0045-6535.

Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Carbon materials, Environmental applications, Hydrogen peroxide, Oxygen reduction reaction, Theoretical simulations

Oliveira, Caique Campos; Galvao, Douglas Soares; Autreto, Pedro A. S.

Selective Hydrogenation Promotes Anisotropic Thermoelectric Properties of TPDH-Graphene Miscellaneous


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Mahapatra, Preeti Lata; de Oliveira, Caique Campos; Costin, Gelu; Sarkar, Suman; Autreto, Pedro A. S.; Tiwary, Chandra Sekhar

Paramagnetic two-dimensional silicon-oxide from natural silicates Journal Article

Em: 2D Mater., vol. 11, não 1, 2023, ISSN: 2053-1583.

Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Condensed Matter Physics, General Chemistry, General Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics of Materials

Moura, Alirio; Ipaves, Bruno; Galvao, Douglas S.; Autreto, Pedro A. S.

Ballistic properties of highly stretchable graphene kirigami pyramid Journal Article

Em: Computational Materials Science, vol. 232, pp. 112558, 2023, ISSN: 0927-0256.

Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Ballistic properties, Kirigami, Molecular dynamics, reaxFF

Buzelli, Thiago; Ipaves, Bruno; Almeida, Wanda Pereira; Galvao, Douglas Soares; Autreto, Pedro A. S.

Machine Learning-based Analysis of Electronic Properties as Predictors of Anticholinesterase Activity in Chalcone Derivatives Working paper


Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags:

Sousa, J M De; Machado, L D; Woellner, C F; Medina, M; Autreto, Pedro A. S.; Galvão, D S

Boron nitride nanotube peapods at ultrasonic velocity impacts: a fully atomistic molecular dynamics investigation Journal Article

Em: J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, vol. 35, não 33, 2023, ISSN: 1361-648X.

Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Condensed Matter Physics, General Materials Science

Antonin, Vanessa S.; Lucchetti, Lanna E. B.; Souza, Felipe M.; Pinheiro, Victor S.; Moura, João P. C.; Trench, Aline B.; de Almeida, James M.; Autreto, Pedro A. S.; Lanza, Marcos R. V.; Santos, Mauro C.

Sodium niobate microcubes decorated with ceria nanorods for hydrogen peroxide electrogeneration: An experimental and theoretical study Journal Article

Em: Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 965, 2023, ISSN: 0925-8388.

Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Materials Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics of Materials, Metals and Alloys

de Oliveira, Caique Campos; Autreto, Pedro A. S.

Optimized 2D nanostructures for catalysis of hydrogen evolution reactions Journal Article

Em: MRS Advances, vol. 8, não 6, pp. 307–310, 2023, ISSN: 2059-8521.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Condensed Matter Physics, General Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics of Materials

Lucchetti, Lanna E. B.; Autreto, Pedro A. S.; de Almeida, James M.; Santos, Mauro C.; Siahrostami, Samira

Unravelling catalytic activity trends in ceria surfaces toward the oxygen reduction and water oxidation reactions Journal Article

Em: React. Chem. Eng., vol. 8, não 6, pp. 1285–1293, 2023, ISSN: 2058-9883.

Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Catalysis, Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous), Chemistry (miscellaneous), Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes, Process Chemistry and Technology

Oliveira, Caique C.; Medina, Matheus; Galvao, Douglas S.; Autreto, Pedro A. S.

Tetra-penta-deca-hexagonal-graphene (TPDH-graphene) hydrogenation patterns: dynamics and electronic structure Journal Article

Em: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., vol. 25, não 18, pp. 13088–13093, 2023, ISSN: 1463-9084.

Resumo | Links | BibTeX | Tags: General Physics and Astronomy, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

Orientados e Supervisionados por Pedro Autreto


Bruno Ipaves

Vínculo: Pós-Doutorado
Instituição: Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC)
Laboratório: GEEDAI
Projeto: Armazenamento e atividade catalítica de reação de evolução de hidrogênio em nanoestruturas bidimensionais porosas de carbono dopadas: obtenção de descritores de estrutura eletrônica e aprendizado de máquina para reconhecimento de padrões (Bolsista INCT-MI)

Currículo Lattes ORCID Google Scholar

Tiago Duarte

Vínculo: Bolsista
Instituição: Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC)
Laboratório: GEEDAI
Projeto: Disseminação do conhecimento científico produzido pela equipe de pesquisadores através de conteúdo digital, material gráfico, produção de tutoriais técnicos e atividades que visam o fortalecimento do nome do INCT – Materials Informatics. (Bolsista INCT-MI)

Currículo Lattes ORCIDGoogle Scholar

Juan Gomez

Vínculo: Doutorado
Instituição: Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC)
Laboratório: GEEDAI
Projeto: Em breve

Currículo Lattes ORCID

Mara Cardoso Machado

Vínculo: Mestrado
Instituição: Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC)
Laboratório: GEEDAI
Projeto: Peapods Híbridos: análise das propriedades mecânicas.

Currículo Lattes

Caique Oliveira

Vínculo: Mestrado
Instituição: Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC)
Laboratório: GEEDAI
Projeto: Em breve.

Currículo LattesORCID

Thales Machado

Vínculo: Iniciação Científica
Instituição: Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC)
Laboratório: GEEDAI
Projeto: Em breve.

Matheus Medina

Vínculo: Iniciação Científica
Instituição: Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC)
Laboratório: GEEDAI
Projeto: Efeitos da decoração e dopagem no armazenamento de hidrogênio do TPDH-grafeno.

Currículo Lattes